The casting was announced on Thursday’s episode of ABC’s “Good Morning America.” Nedoroscik is the first celebrity contestant named for the season, which premieres Sept. 17 on ABC and Disney+. He’s also the first male gymnast to compete, “Good Morning America” co-host Robin Roberts said.
“I want to bring some of that gymnastics, maybe a backflip or handstand,” Nedoroscik said on the morning show. “I want to have fun with it.”
The newest season of “Dancing With the Stars” will be the show’s 33rd. It’s co-hosted by Alfonso Ribeiro and Julianne Hough, and judged by Carrie Ann Inaba, Bruno Tonioli and Derek Hough. The rest of the celebrity cast will be announced at a later date, ABC said in a release.
As for the iconic glasses that are indelibly part of Nedoroscik’s look?
“I might have fun with it. I’m scared they’ll fly off, that’s the thing,” Nedoroscik, who has an eye condition called coloboma, told the hosts. “Maybe we could do a gadget, keep them on? Maybe a new pair of glasses, match the theme?”